HarperDB & Google DevOps Event

Don't miss this event led by Brett Mitchell, Principal Architect at Google

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We hosted Brett Mitchell, who is a Principal Architect / Cloud Customer Engineer at Google, for this interactive livestream on June 8th. Brett discussed DevOps best practices, and demonstrated how to deploy globally on the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Google Anthos platform. He also shared a bit about what's to come for Kubernetes and more.

Meet Brett

Alt Text Brett Mitchell is a Principal Architect at Google, primarily focused on helping customers in the telecommunication, cable, media and entertainment industries adopt and flourish within the Google Cloud ecosystem.

Before joining Google, he spent 5+ years in the technology consulting space with industry leaders KPMG and Slalom. He spent the majority of his career as a CTO, founding and cultivating start-ups in the telco/broadband, logistics, media, and fin-tech sectors.

More Info

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Anthos is a managed application platform that extends Google Cloud services and engineering practices to your environments so you can modernize apps faster and establish operational consistency across them.

HarperDB is a geo-distributed database that enables speed, performance, and low latency. With SQL on JSON, you no longer have to pick a database based on the structure of your data. HarperDB runs anywhere and ingests any type of data at scale. Accessed via an intuitive REST API, you can perform all CRUD database operations using one single endpoint.